Jumat, 13 November 2015

RPP kelas XI Guest Handling

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
Guest handling

Nama sekolah              : SMK ..........................
Mata Pelajaran            : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester          : XI / 3
Pertemuan ke              : 1 & 2
Alokasi Waktu            : 3x45’ menit
Standar Kompetensi   : Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara Level Elementary
Kompetensi Dasar      :  2.1  Memahami percakapan sederhana sehari-hari baik dalam konteks profesional maupun pribadi dengan orang bukan penutur asli
Nilai Karakter Bangsa:  1.    Bersahabat / komunikatif ( tindakan yang memperlihatkan rasa senang berbicara, bergaul, dan bekerja sama dengan orang lain.)
                                              2.            Gemar Membaca ( kebiasaan menyediakan waktu untuk membaca berbagai bacaan yang memberikan kebajikan bagi dirinya.)

I.         INDIKATOR
1.    Pertanyaan dengan  pola yes-no questions dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.
2.    Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dengan benar.
3.    Pertanyaan dengan  pola question words dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan  dan dijawab dengan benar.

Setelah mempraktekkan unit ini, siswa dapat
1.      Menggunakan ungkapan – ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel, restourant, travel agency
2.      Menggunakan intensifier enough , too dalam kalimat.
3.      Membaca berbagai wacana yang menunjang pengembanga  kosa kata dan struktur kalimat.
1.      Roling playing about guest handling
2.      Modals (could, may, would, can)
3.      Too and enough
4.      Enough to ...... vs Enough for ..........

Lampiran 1

-     Question – answers
-     Disscussion
-     Individual works / pair works / group works
-     Penugasan / Assessment / Homework.

Sumber     English for vacation School II A, kamus bahasa inggris
Media       : Papan Tulis, Picture / Photos, board Marker.

VI.   Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan 1
Alokasi Waktu
Ø Salam pembuka dan berdoa bersama, menggunakan Greetings dan responses yang sudah diketahui siswa.
Ø Melakukan presensi terhadap peserta didik (karakter yang ditanamkan adalah disiplin)
Ø Menanyakan kabar peserta didik (karakter yang ditanamkan adalah peduli, bersahabat)
Ø  Menggali informasi awal tentang materi

Ø Guru mencoba membangkitkan materi ajar yang akan diajarkan.
Ø Mendengarkan dan menirukan ungkapan – ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menangani tamu yang diucapkan oleh guru atau kaset
Ø Guru memberi penjelasan tentang handling guest:
-       In the office
-       In the restaurant
-       In the hotel
Ø Beberapa siswa maju kedepan mempraktekkan dialog tentang guest handling. Sedangkan siswa yang lain Sambil mendengarkan, siswa menandai / menuliskan pesan telepon sesuai yang didengar dari dialog.
Ø  Siswa
Ø Mendiskusikan hasil yang di tulis siswa
Ø Siswa bekerja kelompok 2 orang, membuat dialog untuk merespon / menangani keluhan tamu hotel, restourant atau travel agency seperti contoh dalam dialog.
Ø Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya bagian yang belum jelas dari materi.

Ø Mereview materi hari ini
Ø Guru memberikan reward pada siswa yang aktif
Ø Guru memberi tugas rumah kepada siswa
Ø Doa penutup dan salam

Pertemuan 2
Alokasi Waktu
Ø Salam pembuka dan berdoa bersama, menggunakan Greetings dan responses yang sudah diketahui siswa.
Ø Melakukan presensi terhadap peserta didik (karakter yang ditanamkan adalah disiplin)
Ø Menanyakan kabar peserta didik (karakter yang ditanamkan adalah peduli, bersahabat)
Ø Mereview materi sebelumnya

Ø Guru membahas tugas yang diberikan pda pertemuan sebelumnya.
Ø Siswa mempraktekkan text dialog yang telah dibuat kelompok pada pertemuan sebelumnya.
Ø Guru menjelaskan materi too dan enough
Ø Siswa menjawab pertanyaan mengenai too dan enough.
Ø Siswa diberi kesempatan untuk bertanya bagian yang belum jelas dari materi.

Ø Guru memberi kesimpulan bersama peserta didik tentang materi.
“ there are many ways to handle guests. The first thing is to let them know that not only are you listening to them, you are writing down what they are saying it because they see you do it, and that you want them to repeat the complaint several item so you know you have right”
Ø Doa penutup dan salam


Lisan        : Praktik Berpasangan / pair works / group works
Tertulis     : Hasil Assesment dari buku
Penugasan: Mengerjakan homework tentang “ Handling Guest ”

1.      In pairs, match the expressions in column waitress and column receptcionist in order to make good dialogue!

We have melon, half grapefruit, and fresh fruit salad.
Yes. I’ll have the English Breakfast.
Good morning, Sir. Are you ready to order?
Would you prefer musrooms or griled tomato, sir?
I’ll start with a glass of orange juice.
Orange juice. And would you like cereal, fruit or yogurt?
Hot chocolate please.
Very good, Sir. And what would you like to drink?
Tomato I think.
Yes, sir. What would you like to start with?
Fresh fruit salad please.and i’ll have my egg scrambled.
Scrambled. What would you like your eggs served with, sir? Bacon or ham?
Fruit please. What fruit do you have?

2.      Join the sentences using enough to ......... / enough for.........
a.       The weather is good. We can go to market
b.      She is beautiful. She can be model.
c.       She speak slowly. We can not hear her voice
d.      He is smart. He can do that homework.
e.       This room is good. We can see sunrise from here

3.      Join the sentences using too + adejctive
a.       The tea is hot. She can’t drink it.
b.      This homework is difficult. No student can do it.
c.       It is very cold. It’s hard to take a bath.
d.      He is an old man. He can not run quickly
e.        This clothes is small. I can wear it

Score :
Betul (1) + Betul (2) + Betul (3)  = 27   = 10
                        2.7                            2.7

              Mengetahui                                                                        Purworejo, 08 Agustus 2015
             Guru Pamong                                                                            Guru Mata Pelajaran

       Febriani Ika K , S.Pd                                                                       Kasih Budi Rahayu
Key answer

1.      In pairs, match the expressions in column waitress and column receptcionist in order to make good dialogue!
Waitress         : Good morning, Sir. Are you ready to order?
Customer       : Yes. I’ll have the English Breakfast.
Waitress         : Yes, sir. What would you like to start with?
Customer       : I’ll start with a glass of orange juice.
Waitress         : orange juice. And would you like cereal, fruit or yogurt?
Customer       : Fruit please. What fruit do you have?
Waitress         : We have melon, half grapefruit, and fresh fruit salad.
Customer       : Fresh fruit salad please.and i’ll have my egg scrambled.
Waitress         : Scrambled. What would you like your eggs served with, sir? Bacon or ham?
Customer       : Ham,please. 
Waitress         : Would you prefer musrooms or griled tomato, sir?
Customer       : Tomato I think.
Waitress         : Very good, Sir. And what would you like to drink?
Customer       : Hot chocolate please.

2.      Join the sentences using enough to ......... / enough for.........
a.       The weather is good enough for us to go to market
b.      She is beautiful enough to be a model.
c.       She speak loudly enough for us to hear her voice
d.      He is smart enough to do that homework.
e.       This room is good enough for us to see sunrise from here.

3.      Join the sentences using too + adejctive
a.         The tea is too hot to drink it.
b.        This homework is too difficult to do it.
c.         It is too cold to take a bath.
d.        He is too old to run quickly
e.         This clothes is too small to wear it

Lampiran 1

Word and expression used in handling guest :
-      Welcome to our hotel / restaurant / office.
-      What can I do for you, Sir / Mom?
-      May I help you?
-      We hope that you can enjoy staying in our hotel.
-      I hope you enjoy the food.
-      Have a nice rest, sir / Mom.
-      We recommend you to.....
-      We would like to offer you a special food.
-      We’ll send your coffee right way.
-      Can i take your coat
-      Shall i call a taxi
-      Would you like to take a seat
-      Can I help you?
-      May I help you?
-      Which one do you like?
Hotel Purnama Sari
            c Orange Juice                                                                       c Grapefruit
            c Rice Krispies                                                                      c Weetabix
            c All Brand                                                                           c Cornflakes
            c Porridge                               c Prunes                               c Half Grapefruit
            cYogurt                                  c Melon                               c Fresh Fruit Salad

EGG                                                     c Fried                                 c Poached
            c Scrambled                            c Boiled min....... mins

Serve With

            c Bacon                                   c Sausage                             c Tomato       c Ham
            c Tea                                       c Coffe                                c De-Caffein Tea
            c Hot Chocolate                     c Milk


Practice the dialogue with your partner, act as the waitress and customer.
Waitress          : Good morning, Sir. Are you ready to order?
Customer         : Yes, thanks. I’ll have the English breakfast
Waitress          : very good, Sir
Customer         : I’ll have grapefruit to begin with
Waitress          : Grapefruit juice. And would you like cereal, fruit, or yoghurt?
Customer         : cereal, please. What cereal do you have ?
Waitress          : we have rice crispiest, all brands, weetabix, cornflakes, and porridge
Customer         : Weetabix, please. And i will have my eggs scrambled.
Waitress          : scrambled. What would you like your eggs served with, sir?
                          Bacon or Ham ?
Customer         : Bacon, please. And I won’t have the sausage but I’d like the tomato.
Waitress          : Very good, Sir. And what would you like to drink?

Customer         : Tea please

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